Top-6-Product-Promotion-Mistakes-That-Sellers-Make | Saras Analytics
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Top 6 Product Promotion Mistakes That Sellers Make

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As the name suggests, product promotions are about advertising the e-commerce product by various means through online and offline channels. This article will focus on the mistakes that sellers often make while bringing the products to customers’ notice.

It may lead to miscommunication or not generate enough interest from the customers’ end if a product is not promoted well.

Stages of Product promotion

Common Mistakes Sellers Make during Product Promotion

There are some of the common mistakes in product promotions that the sellers often make that ultimately chase away the customers, and they are:

1. Sellers not integrating Google Analytics with their online portal

It is most crucial to know the target customers. For example, Google Analytics can bring in the data of a particular age group of visitors who visits an online portal the most and buys a specific product. This method can help in product promotion.

Suppose visitors from the age group of 15 to 20 years will be interested in purchasing the newest electronic gadgets, game accessories, etc., or a specific group of visitors who access the website from a particular state of the country. Example: Users from Delhi may search for mobile accessories the most, or users from Kolkata search for ebooks or printed books. This kind of data helps sellers to plan their ad campaigns.

Google Analytics can provide much-detailed information about website visitors. If a seller has not integrated his website with Google Analytics, then there are high chances that he may lose out on many crucial analyses. Hence, product promotions will suffer.

2. Sellers putting the wrong product description

The correct product description is a must. According to Invesp, the return rates of products to brick-and-mortar stores are 8% compared to 30 percent in the e-commerce market. It is a considerable gap.

It happens because of incorrect product descriptions as customers do not usually get the product they ordered. This mistake works completely against effective product promotion.

Customers return products due to inaccurate website descriptions of the product’s size, quality, fabric, or color. Sellers must put accurate reports of their effects on the website.

Calculate the rate of return 

Rate of return = rate of return – ((Current value – original value) / original value) x 100.

3. Employing efficient customer care staff

A seller must keep an efficient customer care staff for better product promotion, and management and for building a strong relationship with his customers.

The staff should follow the below-mentioned protocols to handle the customers who may face issues after buying the brand’s products. Hence, the following protocols are:

  • The Customer care staff must speak politely and solve as many queries as they can about the product.
  • Putting customers on hold for a longer duration while solving their issues will ultimately hit the company’s reputation.
  • The customer care staff can also provide the latest offers and discounts to the customers if they successfully resolve the issues.
  • It is a must to track customers’ feedback about the product and customer care service.
  • A company can improve itself if the response tends towards the opposing side. For this, live chat sessions with the customers can help to track the issues and feedback.

4. Poor user experience 

Customers will not care to navigate further if the website has issues. A developer must keep in mind to build a user-friendly website.

Problems like product lists cannot open on new tabs in the browser, images of the items having low quality, listed products being out of stock, and limited options in the category section are some of the customers’ issues.

Such loopholes can affect the brand’s name adversely.

5. Email marketing automation 

One major mistake sellers make during product promotions is sending a bulk of emails regularly to customers about the new products and discount offers, which is nothing less than a nightmare for the customers.
Usually, such emails go straight to the trash bins if they are not provided with the unsubscribe option.

6. One email for all

Emails should look personalized. Spamming customers’ email boxes will send the customers away.


Product promotion helps sellers to reach a large number of customers. However, they make several mistakes that send away the customers. Therefore, the top 6 mistakes that sellers make are: 1) Sellers do not integrate an analytics software with their website which can analyze customers’ data, and sales data and provide consolidated reports to enhance the business. 2) Sometimes, sellers put wrong information on the product’s page which turns away the customers. 3) Companies make mistakes by employing inefficient customer care staff who cannot solve customer issues related to the product. 4) If the shopping website has technical issues like page loading issues, missing product images, or broken links, then perhaps, customers will not come back again. 5) Spamming customers’ inboxes with too many product emails is not a good marketing practice. 6) Send personalized emails to customers and not the same scripted email to everyone.

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