Daasity vs Daton + Saras BI Solution

Are you looking for a Daasity Alternative?

We gather you are here because you are evaluating Daasity vs. Daton + Saras BI Solutions or looking for a Daasity alternative. In that case, you are likely looking at how to use your eCommerce data to drive business growth and profitability for your business.

Daasity Alternative

As you know Turnkey solutions have several disadvantages depending on the business, size, industry, and the decision maker’s needs. However, the common downside of turnkey solutions like Daasity is the lack of customization that hinders a company’s growth at its desired rate.

SectionFeatureDaton + Saras ConsultingDaasity
Data PipelinesELTDaton Or AlternativeDaasity Only
 eCommerce Connectors100+40
 Marketplaces8+Limited to Amazon
 Data Storage Location
In Client’s Cloud
In Daasity’s servers
 New Source DevelopmentNo Additional Cost (Affiliates, Ads Platforms, 3PLs etc)
Unsure of timelines and cost
 Replication FrequencyHourly (up to 15 Min)Daily
 TransformationsDBT or AirflowUnsure of technology used
 Reverse ETL
 Flexibility of Data StackEntire data stack is flexibleSome part of the stack flexible
 Access to Code
BI & AnalyticsPre-built ReportsWill be built with existing templatesComes with custom setup
 Data BlendingCompletely customizableLimited in scope
 Analytics Implementation(GA)
 Custom Business Intelligence
 Custom Attribution & Forecasting
 Head of Data Services
 Single Vendor Full Stack Support
 Flexible Data TeamScale up or down based on needUnsure (Limited to BI?)
SectionFeatureDaton + Saras ConsultingDaasity
Data PipelinesELTDaton or alternativeDaasity only
 eCommerce Connectors100+40
 Marketplaces8+Limited to Amazon
 Data Storage Location
In client’s cloud
In Daasity’s servers
 New Source Development

No additional cost
(Affiliates, Ads Platforms, 3PLs etc)

Unsure of timlines and cost
 Replication FrequencyHourly (up to 15 Minutes)Daily
 TransformationsDBT or AirflowUnsure of technology used
 Reverse ETL
 Flexibility of Data StackEntire data stack is flexibleSome part of the stack flexible
 Access to Code
BI & AnalyticsPre-built ReportsWill be built with existing templatesComes with custom setup
 Data BlendingCompletely customizableLimited in scope
 Analytics Implementation(GA)
 Custom Business Intelligence
 Custom Attribution & Forecasting
 Head of Data Services
 Single Vendor Full Stack Support
 Flexible Data TeamScale up or down based on needUnsure (Limited to BI?)

eCommerce focused ELT pipeline

When you are using a turnkey solution like Daasity, you are limited to using the Daasity ETL data pipeline. In case you are already using a data pipeline to bring in your data, then Daasity does not offer the flexibility to bring in data using other data pipelines.

However, with Saras, this isn’t a challenge. eCommerce brands use a Daasity alternative like Daton or a data pipeline of their choice. Our no-code, eCommerce-focused cloud data pipeline, Daton, unifies data in trusted cloud data warehouses like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, or any data warehouse of your choice.

If you are using your existing data pipeline to bring in data, it is not a deal breaker for us! You can connect your data warehouse, build your desired dashboards, and draw actionable insights. Unlike Daasity, our approach empowers teams with data, allowing agencies, brands, or analysts the freedom to create insightful dashboards with reporting solutions they love to use.

eCommerce Connectors


Daton offers 100+ eCommerce-focused connectors, covering a wide category of connectors so that you can centralize your eCommerce data for further analysis.

Data that plays a crucial role in understanding customer behavior in the shopping journey, from marketplaces, advertising platforms, customer support channels, CRMs, review managing tools, and many others, can be brought into your data warehouse using Daton connectors.


While Daasity might claim they bring “All your Data,” they do not bring all your data. Daasity allows you to bring eCommerce data from just 40 sources.

To bring data from sources Daasity does not allow, brands might have to opt for yet another ELT data pipeline or resort to the tedious manual reporting process.

Marketplace Connectors


With Saras Analytics, you can bring all your Amazon and other marketplace data into a single data warehouse using Daton! Unifying Amazon and other marketplaces data using Daton will help you understand how customers discover, consider, and purchase your products.

Finally, optimize and plan investments in areas you know resonates with customers for proper data-driven business decisions.

Daton offers Amazon and 8+ other marketplaces connectors-

  • Amazon Seller Central
  • Amazon Vendor Central
  • Amazon Marketing Stream
  • Amazon Advertising
    • Sponsored Display
    • Sponsored Brands
    • Sponsored Products
    • Amazon DSP
    • Amazon Attribution
  • Walmart
  • BigCommerce
  • Unicommerce
  • Shopify
  • Lazada
  • Target
  • Costco and more


Daasity limits its users to bringing some Amazon data into Daasity’s data warehouse. Brands can only bring in Amazon Vendor Central, Seller Central, and Amazon Ads. 

If eCommerce brands want to bring and consolidate their eCommerce data from Walmart, Shopify, Lazada, or any other marketplaces, they have to opt for a Daasity alternative like Daton.

Data Storage

As eCommerce brands grow, the data requirements grow simultaneously. Solutions like Daasity do not support flexible data storage. Brands cannot store their data in their own data warehouses of choice and rely heavily on Daasity for data storage. All the data brought in by brands will be on the Daasity servers and in one of these three data warehouses, BigQuery, Redshift, or Snowflake. Another point is not all these data warehouses are available for Daasity users to choose from. The data warehouse selection depends on the Daasity pricing plan you are on. This often leads to further data silos for analytics and data teams.

However, with Saras, eCommerce brands can bring their data from 100+ sources and store it in any data warehouse. The data is stored in your server, giving complete access and transparency to the code and data. Moreover, users can choose from 9 leading data warehouses to store your data in-

  • Amazon Redshift
  • BigQuery
  • Snowflake
  • Amazon S3
  • GCP Postgres
  • ADW
  • RDS Postgres

Therefore, any Daasity alternative ELT tool needs to support not just the cloud data warehouses like Snowflake and BigQuery, but also databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL and cloud data storages like Amazon S3 if customers want to take the data lake approach.

Data Ownership


Saras provides complete data ownership of your data, unlike Daasity. As you know, we store your data in your own data warehouses. This offers high flexibility, and brands can focus on growing their eCommerce businesses with complete data ownership.

During scaling up, this serves as a huge advantage. As the data ownership is with you, you can choose to scale up or down based on your current requirements without worrying about starting from scratch.


Data ownership lies with Daasity since they have their own data warehouses where data is stored. Lack of data ownership means low flexibility and heavy dependency on Daasity products once they have been integrated.

The biggest problem here arises at the time of scaling when an eCommerce brand wants to shift into its own data warehouse or switch to another one; brands will need to start their data journey from scratch due to no ownership of their own brand’s data.

New Source Development

Often with Turnkey BI Solutions like Daasity, eCommerce brands need help getting custom sources developed that are important for them. Even if they agree to build your requested data source, brands need to be sure of the timeline for the source or the additional cost they might incur. This often results in brands opting for multiple solutions to consolidate their data.

Daasity alternative like Saras, on the other hand, provides new source development for eCommerce brands for no additional cost. We understand how crucial it is to unify all your eCommerce data in our data warehouse.

Data Replication Frequency

In addition to loading controls, having control over how frequently data is loaded into the data warehouse is also an essential criterion for eCommerce brands. While ELT tools claim to provide flexible scheduling options, most tools offer scheduling at an integration level where all the tables within an integration inherit the same schedule.

However, business requirements may demand more flexible scheduling routines where some tables in the integration replicate data faster, and some tables can be replicated at a slower frequency. When table-level schedules are not supported, customers must create and manage multiple integrations. It often ends up being tedious and may also consume your available quota for integrations under Daasity’s s current pricing plan you are on.

While Daasity offers daily replication, Saras offers hourly and also up to 15 minutes of data replication frequency. For example, you are running an ad for Black Friday sales. Having the ads data daily and hourly can make or break your campaign! With insights ready to be analyzed, you can tweak your marketing campaigns to make them a success and boost your business growth.

Data Transformation

Blending data from multiple sources is critical to dig deep and making smarter, insightful, data-driven decisions. For example, many interesting patterns can be explained when you integrate- 

  • Advertising data,
  • Inventory data, and
  • Customer support data.

However, Daasity might not be able to blend data from more than 4-5 platforms, as it does not readily support new data sources. Therefore, data blending becomes a challenge.

Regarding data transformation, Daasity does not reveal the technology they use. Customers do not have the flexibility to select a data visualization tool and customize it as per their requirements. Daasity alternative like Daton + Saras BI solutions is completely transparent with the technology used in each step of the process. This flexibility means analysts can use their existing data and create custom dashboards (not templates) with the help of data visualization tools like Tableau, Looker, Power BI, and Data Studio.

Data Stack Flexibility

Daasity comes with fixed visualization capabilities and features. In this scenario, adding a new feature or building on the existing tool could be troublesome, time-consuming, and expensive. This limited flexibility leads eCommerce brands to look for a Daasity alternative that caters to their requirements.

As you know, an eCommerce brand will require different features, new sources integrations, and data requirements as their data requirements grow. Thus, they end up searching for a solution that not only offers them end-to-end solutions but offers them a flexible data stack.

Whether choosing the data sources, data warehouse, or data transformation tool, Daton-powered BI solutions by Saras Analytics offer total flexibility of the data stack, enabling the brand to go with options that work the best for you.

Automate your Amazon Reporting in 2-4 weeks with our Connectors and Templates!


Automate your Amazon Reporting in 2-4 weeks with our Connectors and Templates!

Reporting & Custom Dashboards


At Saras Analytics, we aim to accelerate your eCommerce data and analytics journey end-to-end. Our custom dashboards and reports offer the freedom to create insightful dashboards that makes the most of your eCommerce brand’s data.

Saras’ data team is familiar with Amazon data and can build your custom agency dashboards. You can choose eCommerce reporting tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, and Looker.

Extract, load, transform, analyze, and visualize your eCommerce data to supercharge your business decisions. You can set up access management so internal resources can access all the agency customer dashboards while customers only get access to their brand dashboards.

Some key benefits of Saras Turnkey BI Solutions-

  • Agency white-labeled dashboards
  • Custom BI solutions
  • Analytics Implementation, unlike Daasity.
  • Pre-built business reports such as-
    • P&L Reports
    • Sales Report
    • Inventory Report
    • Amazon Reports and other marketplaces reports
    • And more.


Out-of-the-box BI dashboards offered by Daasity are mostly not customized according to the brand’s needs, which can misrepresent data or not fulfill the business’s needs.

Daasity focuses on pre-built dashboards and pre-packaged reports. The ready-to-go dashboards might look like a huge time saver for teams but might not fulfill an eCommerce brand’s requirement.

Advanced Analytics & Machine Learning Models

Building advanced analytical and machine learning models to solve use cases like

  • Sales Forecasting,
  • Anomaly Forecasting,
  • Inventory Optimization,
  • Customer LTV, and
  • Churn prediction.

These are critical for an eCommerce brand to be more proactive.

Daasity does not offer advanced analytics and Machine Learning Models. Integrating raw data with analytics tools to build these models makes it exceedingly difficult to build raw data. And brands have to either manually build these models or opt for more tools and increase their dependencies.

However, a Daasity alternative like Saras Analytics offers a 360o view of your eCommerce business across marketplaces and business channels. Using our BI solutions, you can get advanced analytics for-

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Inventory
  • Subscriptions
  • Customer
  • Product

Along with Advanced Analytics, Saras also offers Analytics Implementation and custom attribution for their customers, unlike Daasity. With Saras, eCommerce brands go beyond Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning Models like-

  • Sales Forecasting Models
  • Anomaly Detection Models


Flexible Data Team

Saras offers a flexible data team with expertise in eCommerce data and analytics focused on growth who can partner with you and your analyst throughout the data lifecycle.

Whether you are building a custom report, tweaking a calculation, or updating your data model, we have a team of analysts and data engineers who can help you get more from your data. Some eCommerce brands might need a Head of Data Services to look after the data team, and Daasity let their customers down in this aspect.

With Saras, eCommerce brands get

  • A full-stack data team’s power without having to hire one
  • Support for everything related to data, analytics, reports, and dashboards


Ultimately, a Turnkey BI solution is a lightweight digital strategy to gain the functionality a business needs quickly and cost-effectively. A general BI Solution provider like Daasity will do the trick if a brand can sacrifice consolidating all its data in one data warehouse and having zero flexibility and customization.

However, custom-built Turnkey BI solutions offered by Saras Analytics are essential if the business is successfully growing and needs further growth, especially a growing eCommerce brand. Saras’ Custom BI Solutions meet the requirements and standards set by the brand that requires their services. By the time of completion of a custom turnkey solution, it is in complete alignment with the company’s needs as well as dynamic project requirements in present and upcoming ones.