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How D2C Brands can Leverage Zero-Party Data from Fairing

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Customer trust and loyalty are both crucial factors for a brand’s long-term success. Customers value personalized experiences now more than ever and nothing beats the value of a tailor-made customer experience when brands go the extra mile and collect feedback on their product!

eCommerce personalization spans cross-channel, on-site, and in-app, resulting in measurable journeys. Customer personalization engages and leads through brand awareness to product discovery to repeat purchases. Zero-Party Data or Voice-of-the-Customer collects feedback from customers by first understanding who they are and then asking intelligently framed questions based on their needs and wants. Utilizing Zero-Party Data to unlock business insights and aligning marketing efforts around this can help brands build real relationships with customers.

“We, at Saras are proud to announce Fairing as our Zero-Party survey partner.” The sole reason that drives this partnership is the common mission and vision towards customer satisfaction“Empowering eCommerce businesses through customer success.”

What the partnership solves and, how it is achieved

Fairing Zero-Party Data + Saras Data Analytics Solution = Empowered eCommerce Businesses

1. Data Pipeline

Fairing collects Zero-Party Data with a set of intelligently-framed, timeline of questions that support eCommerce brands to collect critical customer information like – Touchpoints, Demand, Purchase trends etc. that have a direct impact on revenue.

Typically, customers use multiple touchpoints to shop online and this brings customer data from various Data Sources like Databases, Flat Files, Applications etc. With Daton, a cloud-hosted analytics solution built by Saras, all Zero-Party Data is moved via Data Connectors into a Data Warehouse of choice to provide immediate access to customer information.

2. Analytics & Reporting Automation

Fairing + Saras Partnership

Basic Analytics

Automating reports should be seamless and hassle-free, providing analysts with immediate access to Zero-Party Data & insights to work with. The outcome of quick access to data & insights along with customizable reporting solutions yield to enhanced customer-resonating experiences.

Fairing’s Zero-Party Data will help you solve problems you didn’t even know you had, and Daton consolidates all reports from Fairing to streamline into the client’s existing BI tool.

With open-ended and multiple-choice follow-ups, a meaningful timeline of questions is asked to the customer via Question Stream, while reporting and analysis comes as a no-brainer with Daton.

Some effective reporting samples that work for eCommerce businesses are:

  1. Understanding which channel your customer is coming from – Shopify, website, marketplaces, social media etc.
  2. Customer segmentation based on demographics
  3. Churn rate, retention, stickiness
  4. Unlimited, deep individual product level insights like: How is your product being consumed? How do you compare amongst competitors?
  5. Sales insights like: What discounts or offers led to purchase? Upselling or cross-selling initiatives that worked. Pricing strategies that led to most sales
Fairing + Saras Partnership

Advanced Analytics

Daton integrates with other datasets including Fairing and its partners thereby enabling eCommerce brands with advanced analytics and actionable insights.

Fairing itself provides such strong access to Zero-Party Data, that when it is combined with alternate reports and market intelligence from various other channels, the data becomes a pot of gold.

Advanced analytics that help derive deep insights:

  1. Individual customer metrics and KPIs like ROAS, CAC, CLTV, customer cohorts, ad campaigns across multiple channels, campaign conversions, media mixes and optimization efforts for all Zero-Party Data coming in from Fairing’s post-purchase surveys, all at one place.
  2. Comparative data from multiple attribution channels both, at a customer’s level and at the organizational level is available on a single destination.
  3. Accurate attribution for orders, payments, drop-off’s regardless of the channel it is being purchased from.
Fairing + Saras Partnership

Effortless Collaboration "Fairing + Saras"

When invaluable Zero-Party Data partners with the best BI analytics tools and solutions, you have a winning combination that drives revolutionary personalized experience.

With a common mission towards leveraging eCommerce customer data, Fairing + Saras enables brands to capitalize on their customers with just a simple one-question survey – “Where did you hear about us?”

  • What is Fairing and how does it help with collecting Zero-Party Data from customers?
    Fairing is a Zero-Party survey platform that helps eCommerce brands collect feedback from customers by asking intelligently framed questions based on their needs and wants. Zero-Party Data is the data that customers willingly share with brands, such as their preferences, opinions, motivations, and intents. Fairing uses a Question Stream feature to ask a meaningful timeline of questions to the customer via email, SMS, or web.
  • What is Saras Analytics and how does it help with analyzing and reporting data from various sources?
    Saras Analytics is a unified data platform for global commerce that offers products and services for data integration, analytics, and consulting. Saras Analytics provides Daton, a cloud data pipeline that can transfer data from various sources like databases, applications, marketplaces, etc. to data warehouses like Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, etc. without coding. Saras Analytics also provides turnkey BI solutions, custom business intelligence, data strategy, and advanced analytics for eCommerce brands, agencies, and aggregators.
  • How does the partnership between Fairing and Saras Analytics benefit eCommerce businesses?
    The partnership between Fairing and Saras Analytics aims to empower eCommerce businesses through customer success by leveraging Zero-Party Data and data analytics. Fairing collects Zero-Party Data from customers via surveys and provides insights into their touchpoints, demand, purchase trends, product consumption, etc. Daton consolidates all the reports from Fairing and other data sources and streams them into the client’s data warehouse of choice. This enables eCommerce businesses to access and analyze customer data in a unified and scalable way and create personalized experiences for them.
  • What are some of the features and benefits of using Daton for data replication?
    Daton is a cloud data pipeline that offers several features and benefits for data replication, such as:
    • Faster integration of various data sources and destinations
    • Robust scheduling options to control the frequency and timing of data sync
    • Low effort and zero maintenance as Daton takes care of all the infrastructure and code
    • Data consistency guarantee and welcoming customer support
    • Enterprise-grade data pipeline at an incomparable price
    • Support for all main cloud data warehouses comprising Snowflake, Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift,
    • PostgreSQL, Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, and more
    • Flexible loading options to optimize data loading behavior for storage utilization and query performance
  • What are some benefits of using Zero-Party Data for eCommerce brands?
    Zero-Party Data can help eCommerce brands:
    • Build trust and loyalty with customers by respecting their privacy and offering value in return for their data.
    • Enhance customer segmentation and personalization by understanding their needs, wants, and behaviors.
    • Improve attribution and conversion by identifying the most effective touchpoints, channels, and campaigns.
    • Increase customer lifetime value and retention by delivering relevant offers, recommendations, and experiences.

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